What specifically do we do?
Just a few highlights:

Build and Maintain the Network
Flash firmware, configure nodes, build mounting brackets, install solar panels, manage software, etc.
We install the appropriate equipment at strategic locations around Knoxville, TN. Once installed, we remotely manage the nodes using well-established network tools. Each backbone and relay node is equipped with battery backup and solar power, so when the grid is compromised, the AREDN mesh network is not. The greater the number of nodes means the greater the durability of the network. Read more about the technology on the website.

Recruit and Train Personnel
Careful selection and vetting, referrals, recommendations, subject matter experts, etc.
Hands down, having quality people is the number one way to ensure a project succeeds. We carefully recruit our volunteers and train them using youtube tutorials, experts on the forums and personal hands-on training. New operators have the benefit of learning directly from seasoned experts who are extremely accessible and willing to help. The dedicated AREDN team has been operating for years, and is always quick to respond to inquiries on the AREDN FORUMS.

Long-Term Planning
“Nail It and Scale It”
By implementing the methods of those who paved the way for us, AREDN OG is currently focused on establishing the mesh network in and around Knoxville, TN. Long-term plans do include branching outside our city to establish networks beyond our immediate area. Once we have fine-tuned our own network, we will then recruit and train personnel in neighboring regions. Although AREDN OG is staying focused on the primary tasks at hand, we have ambitious, long-term goals involving software development, marketing, network engineering, etc. If any of this interests you, please CONTACT us.